dezembro 03, 2023



Hoje eu achei que te vi na rua 

Meu coração se apertou de saudade 

Do seu andar, do seu sorriso

De como você adoçava meus dias 

Com detalhes cheios de carinho

novembro 29, 2023


 i keep on thinking about that girl

that sweet dreaming girl 

that i used to be 

where did she go? 

where did i hide her? 

why can't i still be her?

i miss the old me

i'm so sorry i've broken us

novembro 08, 2023


 I miss who I am

When I'm in the spotlight


 o asfalto 

me sufocou.


 these words you love so much to read 

they're so sharp in someone's evil tongue 

nothing prepares you well enough to shield up 

to keep your shield up all the times

so you crumble like sand castles 

like fairytales in the morning light

you fade away untill all that's left of you

is dust 

flying around

lost everywhere

only dust 

you're just dust


 he loves me

he loves me not

he trusts me 

he trust me not 


 dar presentes:

meu amor fez meu pai me dar

todos os presentes que eu queria 

enquanto ele podia e além

palavras de afirmação: 

meu pai me ensinou que para ser amada

eu não podia ser algumas coisas




tempo de qualidade: 

minha mãe me ensinou que amar é ceder

mesmo quando você não quer 

e assim, 

eu vou ser amada de volta 

toque físico: 

minha mãe ensinou que eu preciso

me permitir tocar 

para ser amada

para manter a paz 

atos de serviço:

minha mãe me ensinou que as pessoas

vão me amar 

se eu for útil 

solícita sorridente 


e agora, que sou adulta, eu faço tudo isso,

mas por que

por que não 

me sinto digna de qualquer amor

por que 

eles não ficam? 

abril 25, 2023


 that boy you loved

don't exist anymore

maybe he never did 

you sweet codependent 


abril 20, 2023


 he loves me 

he loves me not 

he wants me 

he wants me not 

he wants me 

but i want him more


 what a great day! 

even though sometimes i got scared 

it was great

i'm in a happy place 

the rain fell 

washed away my fears,

all that's left is a great day


 como flores em São Paulo

brotando do concreto e

trazendo cor para 

uma rotina corrida.

março 31, 2023


 ele marca minha pele 

tradução livre do seu amor

cada arranhar um lembrete 

de que sou sua  

cada hematoma uma doce recordação

de quando estive completa 

preenchida até sentir que precisava gritar

preenchida até transbordar

seu amor escorrendo por entre minhas pernas

agora, eu respiro sem conseguir recuperar o fôlego

tão sensível pela agressividade da sua paixão

tão perdida na imensidão do que somos juntos


 como água benta escorrendo 

em minha língua, nos lábios fartos,

deslizando pela curva delicada do queixo 

para marcar o pescoço e o colo 

água benta 

purificando minha alma conforme eu te adoro

com a minha língua, com os lábios fartos

o céu da minha boca refém da sua vontade

infinito nos meus lábios 

sua marca no meu corpo

seu cheiro na minha pele 

finalmente eu pertenço a algum lugar 

março 29, 2023


 Você me respira

E eu escorro pelos seus lábios 

Um suspiro angustiado

O gemido sofrido 

Meu fogo nas suas veias 

Minhas marcas no seu corpo 

Estou me perdendo em você

fevereiro 28, 2023


 this love is everything i've always dreamed of 

i'm wide awake but it's like i'm still in floating on a cloud 

it's so light, so bright, so sweet,

you brighten up my day, my heart, my life

i'm not even scared when i'm thinking of us, 

thinking of you and who i'm am when we're together

i'm not ever scared when i'm in your arms, 

when we're together

when you live in every single one of my dreams

i'm so happy i'm in love with you

i'm so glad we found each other

you're better than any dream i've dreamed

fevereiro 15, 2023


 to the angry woman that lives in me: 

i would love to see you speak out what you think,

hope someday you find the courage and the stengh to do so. 

fevereiro 08, 2023


 To my love, my angel, the sweetest person I know,

You shine so bright that you make my whole world shine with you,

You laugh so sweet that I can't help but to laugh with you,

You keep me safe with your love, 

And, still, you're one of the toughtest person I've ever known

I love and admire your kindness, your strengh, the way you see the world, the way you see other people

I love and admire you

And I hope you know all of this by heart,

But i also hope to be here to tell all of this to you,

Everyday, for as long as you want me to

fevereiro 06, 2023


 it's a late friday night

the city is just a blur in front of us 

all of those people in the room with us

they're just a blur too 

as we talk and laugh and bond 

there's nothing else in the world but us

everything else is just a blur 

you make love to me 

and you make me feel so loved 

overflowing in happiness 

i'm perfect and i'm yours 

and you love every inch of my skin 

with your hands, your mouth 

you're all over me

it's a saturday night 

you're driving us home and i feel so safe 

so happy as you sing one of your favourite hits 

the night is so dark outside

but we're safe in this bubble of love we've created 

you sing to me 

and i'm the happiest person in the whole world 

as you take us home

i'm sure i've never been this happy 

and then you make love to me, again and again

and i'm sure i've never been this happy 

it's like there's just us in the world

janeiro 16, 2023


 people keep saying i look a lot like you

that i laugh just like you

i joke like you

they're always remembering you with my company

and that's a good thing

i guess 

except when i'm jealous of people that got to meet you

and know you deep down 

i'm jealous of people that got to know you

when i couldn't 

when all i have from you is this idealized image 

of a father - my father 

i hear this stories about you

and i hear this decisions you've made

and i remember some comments you said


is this the person they remember and love? 

is this the dad i remember and love?

how much of you i din't know? 

so much of you i'll never know, 

no matter how long i live 

i keep on searching for pieces of your personality everywhere

keep on looking for letters i haven't found yet

for clues that could lead me to who you trully were

but i can't find them 

i can't know you anymore 

these dreaming memories of you as my dad are all i have left

i'll never get to trully know you

janeiro 07, 2023


 we're in a movie scene 

you make me laugh so hard 

as you carry me down to the bathroom 

kissses and laughter all the way 

as i hold on to you 

as you kiss my face 

and my lips 

when you put me down to the marble, 

i'm just so happy that it feels like a movie scene


 quanta dor alguém pode inflingir 

e continuar fazendo parte de quem somos? 

quantas escolhas ruins alguém pode fazer, 

e ainda assim, continuar fazendo parte de algo? 

quantos corações podem ser partidos,

sem que esse alguém deixe de ser lembrado com carinho?

o quanto alguém pode ser egoísta, escolhendo magoar e entregar palavras duras, 

quando do lado de cá tudo que existe são palavras de carinho e lembranças cálidas? 

espero que ela saiba que é amada, apesar de tudo. 


 it's a new year

resolutions like "new year new me" spread around the globe 

but all i can think about is how much i love the old me 

and all i've learned from her 

and how much i want to make her proud of who i am 

who we are

not just in this new year

but everyday 

it's just for her that i celebrate