janeiro 16, 2023


 people keep saying i look a lot like you

that i laugh just like you

i joke like you

they're always remembering you with my company

and that's a good thing

i guess 

except when i'm jealous of people that got to meet you

and know you deep down 

i'm jealous of people that got to know you

when i couldn't 

when all i have from you is this idealized image 

of a father - my father 

i hear this stories about you

and i hear this decisions you've made

and i remember some comments you said


is this the person they remember and love? 

is this the dad i remember and love?

how much of you i din't know? 

so much of you i'll never know, 

no matter how long i live 

i keep on searching for pieces of your personality everywhere

keep on looking for letters i haven't found yet

for clues that could lead me to who you trully were

but i can't find them 

i can't know you anymore 

these dreaming memories of you as my dad are all i have left

i'll never get to trully know you

janeiro 07, 2023


 we're in a movie scene 

you make me laugh so hard 

as you carry me down to the bathroom 

kissses and laughter all the way 

as i hold on to you 

as you kiss my face 

and my lips 

when you put me down to the marble, 

i'm just so happy that it feels like a movie scene


 quanta dor alguém pode inflingir 

e continuar fazendo parte de quem somos? 

quantas escolhas ruins alguém pode fazer, 

e ainda assim, continuar fazendo parte de algo? 

quantos corações podem ser partidos,

sem que esse alguém deixe de ser lembrado com carinho?

o quanto alguém pode ser egoísta, escolhendo magoar e entregar palavras duras, 

quando do lado de cá tudo que existe são palavras de carinho e lembranças cálidas? 

espero que ela saiba que é amada, apesar de tudo. 


 it's a new year

resolutions like "new year new me" spread around the globe 

but all i can think about is how much i love the old me 

and all i've learned from her 

and how much i want to make her proud of who i am 

who we are

not just in this new year

but everyday 

it's just for her that i celebrate