setembro 27, 2022


 É como se essas páginas gritassem 

Para que eu as preenchesse com as minhas palavras

Como se as canetas implorassem 

Para que eu deslizasse a tinta pelas folhas

Em branco 

Os compromissos da agenda pareciam

Até sumir conforme essas coisas 

Falavam comigo 

Então, eu cedia

Obedecendo à uma urgência que já não 

Me era tão familiar

Mas que ainda me faz 

Tão feliz, tão minha

Versos sem rima 

Palavras desconexas  

Sentimentos largados e escondidos 

Em cantos sombrios da minha alma 

As dores do meu choro 

Meus sonhos esquecidos 

Meus desejos mais perversos 

Todos eles me jorram por entre os dedos 

Varrendo essas páginas em branco 

Enchendo meus dias de 




In a 

Foggy day I

See fractures of the 

Person I knew and loved 


Deeply it

Blinded me, us 

We couldn't even see 

How bad we were tearing 


Apart. Now

We are broken 

Into thousand pieces and 

As you reach for me


I can 

Say is: I 

Am sorry I am 

So sorry I am sorry


Are this 

Hurt... Sometimes, I 

Think maybe we should

Meet in a sunny day 


Talk about 

Everything that broke

Us. In a sunny

Day. In eachother's company so, 


Everything would 

Be just fine. Or

as fine as it can 


We would 

Say: I am

Sorry. I am so

Sorry. I am sorry we 


Everything good

We had together 

We are so sorry. 

And I know it, baby. 

Hope you know it too. 


 You held my head 

Like I was yours 

But you didn't even know me 

I was not yours

But you made me not mine either 

So I cried 

And I've became such a cry baby 

And I didn't understand why 

But here's why: 

You held my head so agressevely

Your words were so sharp 

And that place was so helpless... 


You broke me there 

And I stood in that place for years 

Broken and helpless 

I saw you everywhere 

Cry was all I could do after it all happened

I was so scared 

I thought that life would never be bright again

But I'm the light

And no one can steal this aways from me 

I hold the sun inside of me 

And I won't cry anymore 

I won't be scared

setembro 23, 2022


 who is this stranger 

looking back at me 

with such kindness

who is the woman 

i've become 

and why isn't she scared 

of all the monsters 

under our bed? 

where this light come from? 

is this the end of the tunel? 

is this the gentle hold i've been


and waiting 

is she my savior? 

am i? 

are we? 

who am i 

i am she

the stranger 

with kind words 

and flashlight eyes 

staring at myself with more kindness

than ever

never alone 

always in my own companion

and that's all i need 

setembro 22, 2022


 querido amor

aquele para quem eu escrevi aos 19 anos 

e aos 20 

e aos 21 

você é um idiota que usou uma garota de 19 anos 

só pra se sentir mais homem

você, que iludiu, enganou, depreciou

e terminou tudo como se fosse tão superior 

você não é, e hoje eu vejo 

o quão mesquinho e frágil você era 

você é 

à jovem de 19 anos que um dia eu fui: 

não foi sua culpa

nada disso foi 

nós estamos bem


 i was on my knees as 

he held me with hunger

it was so much more than desire 

it was like

that helpless urge to breath 

after a very long time holding your breath

it was like 

the gravity 

pulling us down, together,

we're falling down 

into each other's arms  

again and again 

and i'm on my knees 

he's the only god i believe in 

he is all i adore

all i pray for 

this is my prayer

this is devotion 

this is how he proves his love to me 

setembro 14, 2022


 algumas vezes 

seu nome ecoa na minha mente

como se a minha boca sentisse falta de pronunciá-lo 

como se meu coração implorasse por ouvi-lo

só mais uma vez 

nessas horas 

eu me sinto vazia


sinto a sua falta 

e não sinto mais nada 

é muito difícil reaprender a ser só eu

muito difícil entender que sou uma só

e não mais "nós" 

setembro 08, 2022


 there were this big black and bloody hole looking at me

instead of staring back at it, i just 

pretended it wasn't there

it wasn't

and so i went ahead with my life 

as there was nothing wrong 

as i was as whole by my self 

as everything was just right 

it wasn't 

and so i fell into that hole 

dark and bloody and uncomfortable 

i didn't fit in there but i just couldn't get up 

i couldn't see the exist anyway... 

so i just stayed there untill a realised the darkness 

and the coldness 

and the loneliness of being just me 

just me 

in a dark hole, trapped and cold 

i felt whole again by embracing it 

by staring back at it 

by recognising it 

by seeing myself in it 

i'm not whole again, not yet 

but i'm climbing out of it 

i'm growing out of my hole 

one step at a time 

one breath at a time 

i'll be whole again